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environmental protection of the wooden door (9th Nov 17 at 3:14am UTC)Quote Reply
<p>usually to protect the furniture surface coating, preferably every three months, with a little wax wipe once, not only increase the furniture beautiful, but also to protect the wood. Fourth: to keep the furniture clean and tidy, the daily use of clean gauze wipe dust. Should not use chemical brightener, so as not to damage the film sticky. In order to maintain the brightness of the furniture film, the walnut can be </p>
<p>crushed, peeled, and then three layers of gauze to oil polishing. Fifth: Taiwan mahogany furniture panel, in order to protect the paint film is not scratched, but also to show the wood texture, usually placed on the table thick glass plate, and in the glass plate and wooden table with a small sucker pad between the pad. It is recommended not to use transparent polyethylene crystal plate. Sixth: the use of certain must </p>
<p>be Founder, the direction of the legs of the furniture force and gravity consistent, do not tilt, you can use the foot pad to adjust. Seventh: handling or moving furniture should be gently, can not pull hard pull, so as not to damage the tenon structure, resulting in the overall structure of the loose furniture. Tables and chairs can not lift the surface, easy to fall off, should be on both sides of the table and chair surface lift, </p>
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