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wpc deckPosted By meishengchao  (22nd Mar 19 at 2:23am)

{The micro vacuum pump refers to one of the air suction nozzle and the exhaust nozzle which are provided one by one, and can continuously form a vacuum or a negative pressure at the inlet; a micro positive pressure is formed at the exhaust nozzle; the working medium is mainly gas, and the volume is small. An instrument.
The basic principle of the micro vacuum pump: the circular motion of the motor, the diaphragm inside the pump is reciprocated by mechanical means, so that the air in the pump chamber of the fixed volume is compressed and stretched to form a vacuum (negative pressure), at the pump suction port. At the atmospheric pressure, a pressure difference is generated. Under the action of the pressure difference, the gas is pressurized (sucked) into the pump chamber and discharged from the exhaust port.
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Automatic Anti-backflow Air Conditioner refrigeration Vacuum pumps
Factory Selling High Pressure Booster Pump
High Temperature Small Electric Vacuum Crucible Melting Furnace
wood pressure vacuum impregnation machine

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