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Re: Children's furniture industry profitsPosted By nicewatch  (29th Apr 20 at 1:59am)
Children's furniture industry profitsPosted By quangongzi  (16th Jun 17 at 9:38am)

<P>Recently, the Ministry of Commerce of the Ministry of Commerce, China Building Materials Circulation Association jointly released the national building materials household breath index in March, the data show that the national scale building materials store sales in March to 73.14 billion yuan, up 58.20%. Home sales compared to February rose significantly, is expected to purchase furniture in May,folding canvas fabric garden chair June usher in a new peak. For the advent of the sales season, experts pointed out that "I am at home" as the representative of the home to share the direct purchase model with "low-cost, high-quality experience" and other consumer selling point, is rapidly occupied market share, will become the home procurement boom The new growth point.</P>
<P>Reporters survey found that since the introduction of real estate management policy since the first-tier cities of the real estate market has been cooling. Based on this, many people began to turn to improve the quality of the original home furnishing renovation, or replace the furniture style with freshness, which also contributed to the new round of the home market boom in the procurement boom. On the other hand, the spring and summer turn is the traditional home market season, because the climate temperature is appropriate,table toys for toddlers to avoid the northern region of winter heating, the southern region of the summer rainy season and other complex weather factors to home decoration, furniture handling and other problems , Making many consumers focus on the selection of this season decoration.</P>
<P>Mr. Wang, who lives in Xiamen, said in an interview, "March 24, Xiamen has also introduced a corresponding limit room purchase policy.I had just optimistic about a suite, had to pay the first payment, handling procedures, the purchase of a policy, It is estimated that can not buy,house decorating equipment so recently my first house is a good decoration decoration, the furniture is also a whole for a number of new. "Mr. Wang said that when he hesitated to buy furniture, listen to friends introduced a Called "I am at home," the new home to buy the way, you can easily book online to go to the "home of life," the real family of housing to see the use of furniture.</P>

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